
2013 was a monumental year for me. So much happened that I thought I should write a blog entry running through this amazing year. 


My wife and I attended the Presidential Inauguration. I still regret not making every effort to attend President Obama's first inauguration, but thankfully, we were to still be a part of history. We even ran into W. Kamau Bell. I was able to attend a taping of Totally Biased a fee days later as well and talk to Bell after the taping.


Jenelle's Ravens won the Super Bowl, which is the third total Super Bowl total our favorite NFL teams have won during our relationship/marriage.

My daughter experienced her first big snowfall. She was so fascinated by snow. 

We also visited and were admitted to preschool with minimal stress and drama. 

Finally, we took our daughter to Sesame Street Live.


2nd birthday! Crazy Sesame Street money! Jenelle's half marathon, Soccer class starts. Aunt Lindsay visits!


I went to LA for the first time. Dodgers, high school friends, and the best host ever! No more daycare for my daughter.


Graduation from Columbia. Masters Degree! 'Nuff Said.


Liberty Father's Day game! Photobombing Allan Houston.

I started to attend events with the NYC Dad's group. And just like that, my daughter and I were featured in Time Out for Kids and CBS News pieces. I also went to the NBA Draft and witnessed a fellow Bucknellian get drafted!

Uploaded by bigredbison on 2013-09-13.


MLB Fanfest. Potty training!

SI Yanks-running the bases! (And no issues with nap or potty.) My daughter's 1st Haircut. And I met Aisha Tyler!


We moved to Harlem. Back home.

I appeared on The Dr. Oz Show. Topless.

Big girl bed for my kid! And no more pacifier. Jay-Z/Justin Show. What a great gift for my Master's, J!

Uploaded by The Brown Gothamite on 2013-09-13.



Preschool! A truly great fit for my child. She was so ready. I returned to the classroom part time. Seems quite right. Oh, and I turned 40. Sweet!


Vegas for my 40th! I even had a good friend come, too. Yay, Lindsay!

I met Nick Offerman a.k.a. Ron Swanson! Halloween was fun as my daughter was Andy Summers of The Police and Wonder Woman.


My daughter and I met Julianne Moore at a book signing. Our 5th Wedding Anniversary, and we did a stay-cation in Manhattan. We also took C. bowling for the first time.


We had an amazing family photo shoot that focused more on our daughter. We have considered modeling for her on and off, but after seeing her temperament during the session, as well as the photos, it's time to pursue this. Luscious Jackson returned, and we went to see them perform. I even danced with them on stage!  

We went to see some of my former players play hoops. C loved it.

And we witnessed her first school performance.

Uploaded by bigredbison on 2014-01-01.

Oh yeah. I also found time to start writing this blog again, for real this time. A truly amazing year. Can 2014 top it? Only time will tell.

Posted on January 1, 2014 .